Make your clothes last longer with these 5 tips

Ever had to let go of that precious clothing item you haven’t even worn for long because it’s now looking old and tired? We too! So when we came across these wonderful tips that make your clothes last longer, we knew we just had to share with you.

  1. Wash jeans inside out 


Via Goodhousekeeping

Via Goodhousekeeping

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This helps prevent the colours from fading quickly; the main concern for jeans is having them run out of colour when we’re washing them and thereby making them look old even when they’re relatively new. So washing your jeans inside out helps preserve the colours and makes it look good for long.



       2.    Folding and hanging 


Via wayfarer

Via wayfair

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When it comes to your fashion items, extra care is needed. Do not always fold your shirts; get hangers and hang them properly. You can also hang some dresses that you want to maintain their shapes. Fold other clothing items neatly and arrange them properly, love your clothes and they will stand the test of time. [/mks_one_half]


       3.     Take extra care of whites:


Via Supersavvyme

Via Supersavvyme

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To make your white clothes last longer, wash them separately from the coloured ones and spread them outside. Also, use bleach to bring back their sparkles.



          4.     Getting rid of stains


Via Kerala

Via Kerala

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Stains are the number one enemies of good clothes, so never leave stains especially greasy stuff to soak into your clothing as they might not come out fully later and will mar the look of the clothes. Wash stains off right away as that’s the best opportunity to get them off at once.



      5.      Shoes


via Decorearts

via Decorearts

[/mks_one_half] [mks_one_half]

Don’t just lump your shoes in a corner, get racks and bags for your shoes so that their shapes and materials are maintained. Also, put your office shoes and sneakers in airy places to get rid of smell and dampness.



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