How to achieve your New Year goals and resolutions

Compliments of the beautiful season to you Flexxer,

It’s the “New Year, New Me” season and we know you’ve jotted down a resolution or twenty-two that you must achieve this year.  Before we get to that; let’s talk about your 2016 resolutions, were you able to achieve them? If yes, that is wonderful! If no “SMH” for you.

We’ve compiled some tips to ensure that you achieve all the goals you set for 2017.

  1. Set specific goals; It is not enough to say I want to make make it to first class or second class upper this academic year, you need to look at your current CGPA and set a goal to make at least a particular CGPA that’ll put you in the class you need. This will help you focus and plan properly. When setting specific goals, make sure they follow the SMART principle which says your goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
  2. Have a plan: Now that you’ve listed your specific goals, how do you start working on them? Do you just start reading at “any free time” or do you set aside an hour or two each day to read?. Ensure you have a plan that fits into your workload and schedule, this will make sure you get started on your goals. 
  3. Start doing: The most important step in resolution setting and actualising is to start! Have a plan to read for an hour each day? Start today, don’t wait till next week or when real school work starts, you might continue procrastinating by then but once you start now, you will get used to it and keep up with it. It might even be for 20 mins for starters and before you know it, you’re doing hours.
  4. Share your goals. Yes but only with people who will support and push you to achieve them. Few things work magic like some words of encouragement, advice and even tips on how to be better. Sharing will also make the people you shared them with, be your checks and balances so win win!
  5. Don’t give up: Progress isn’t always a clear straight road and challenges are bound to pop up every now and then but success is getting back up each time you’re knocked down. Always learn from your mistakes and never let a “little pause or time off” make you stop working on your goals. It is never too late to get back up!
  6. Monitor your progress: Knowing the amount of progress you’ve made, no matter how little will light up your soul and push you to work hard to achieve an even higher milestone. So, have measuring parameters in place for monitoring your progress and knowing how far you’ve come, note each progress growth down so it serves as motivation.  For example, you can give yourself personal tests or even have a friend ask you questions, this will also help you to know if you’re slipping backwards, so you can put in more efforts.

If one of your goals is financial freedom or saving for a project, we’ve got the perfect guide for you; download it here.

Now who’s ready to conquer 2017???



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  1. Pingback: Yay!!! Welcome to the second half of the year. How are your saving goals holding up? - FlexxZone

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