Here’s why you should take your final year project seriously

Final year projects are the biggest of headaches and this is why some students resort to plagiarism and employing of people to help them do their projects. As big of a headache as school projects can be, there are some satisfying rewards that come with doing it yourself and learning tons of stuff in the process. Did you know the following innovations were made through University research and projects?

Google: Oh yes, you read correctly and your eyes aren’t deceiving you.  Google was the brainchild of the Ph.D.s research of Sergei Brin and Larry Page who were students of Stanford University at the time. The project did so well that the two students had to put their education on hold and start a business with it. Can you imagine your life without Google now?

Television: Long before TV became mainstream and commercialized, a German student;  Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, patented the first electromechanical television system in 1884. His research guided the numerous engineers that later made the Television a success.

Seat belt: Roger Griswold and Hugh DeHaven of the Aviation Safety and Research Facility at Cornell University, New York invented the first modern three-point seatbelt that is found in most vehicles today as a result of their intensive crash injury research. The device was  later developed upon by Nils Bohlin at Volvo.

Adobe Flash: Every student with a laptop and computer knows the Adobe franchise, from the player, the reader to the photoshop; you almost can’t do without Adobe on your PC. Did you know it was invented by a student of  Harvey Mudd College, California in 1996? His name is  Jonathan Gay and he continued his work after graduation, eventually developing FutureWave Software.

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