5 facts we bet you didn’t know about Nigeria

We were simply mind-blown when we came accross these facts and we knew we just had to share them with our flexxers.

Did you know?

  1. Nigeria is the most populated black country in the world:  Ranking no. 7th in the 50 most populated countries in the world listing; Nigeria is the most populated black country in the world with a population of over 181,562,056 people.
  2. Ikeja is an acronym: The capital of Lagos State, Ikeja city, is an acronym and you won’t believe it means Ikorodu and Epe Joint Administration (we’re surprised too).
  3. Early human existence: Nigeria holds records of earliest human existence dating as far back as 9000 BC, Archaeological evidences of the Nok civilization which existed around 500 BC – 200 AD lends credence to these records.
  4. Home to the largest range of butterflies: We bet you never knew Southern Nigeria particularly Calabar, Cross River and its environs is home to the widest and largest variety of butterflies in the world with The Cross River National Park housing over 300 species. No wonder it’s such a beautiful and colourful state.
  5. Highest twin rates in the world: The Yoruba tribe of Nigeria (Western Nigeria) holds the world record for locality and place with highest number of twins birthed. For every 1,000 live births, Yorubas give birth to over 45–50 twin sets as opposed to the global average of 13.1 twins per 1,000 births in other countries.


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