How to ace your very first job interview

Qualifications, experience and trainings aside, your attitude and behavior are also very important in making you the perfect candidate. Here are some simple things to note before heading for your interview.

First impressions first: Takes about 5 seconds to make an impression of someone on an average day and even less on an interview day, make sure you’re appropriately dressed, smell good and always on time.

Be prepared: Your level of preparedness shows your employer that you’re a thorough and detailed person, take all necessary and required documents and items along.

Switch off/ mute devices and gadgets: One of the worst thing that could happen during an interview is ping notifications and ringtones interrupting your interview and distracting everyone, ensure all your devices are muted or switched off before entering the interview hall.

A smile never fails: A genuine smile is magic. It make you more human and helps you relax especially when returned. Employers try to understand your person, attitude and interest in the job/ company from your smile, words and body language. Sit up straight, make eye contact and smile.

Say thank you: Here, we do not only refer to the “thank you” you say immediately after the interview but the “thank you mail” you send later (not later than three days after). This goes a long way to tell prospective employers that you’re courteous and also keeps your name in their  mind and mouth.

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