4 ways to kill boredom this holiday

Summer is here and that means you have ample free time. Here are 4 wonderful things you can do to make some money, learn or improve your life.

1. Holiday Job: You can make some cool cash or gain experiences by applying for holiday jobs, thanks to the internet, you can apply for internship jobs online. You can also work in a store or help out at your parent’s work place. This will make you more knowledgeable, give you some experiences and teach you money management.
2. Learn A Vocation: The long-term holiday is the perfect time to pick up a skill or two. Love to bake? Learn it. Love styling your sister’s hair? Go learn how to do it like a pro! Make a list of things you’d like to know how to do and pick each summer break to learn and improve on it; those are the only free times you’d get anyways (No summer break once you start working). Now is the time to learn that vocation and have fun while at it.
3. Go Camping: Camping is one of the most fun things you can spend your summer doing. There is always one summer camp or the other (church/mosque, school, organizations etc). Camping is good for the body and soul, it always leaves you invigorated and refreshed to take on the coming school term and or work.
4. Volunteer And Apply For Programs: There are so many events that are held during the holidays, find the ones that interest you or that relates to your course of study and apply or volunteer for them. This will not only give you experience but also expand your network and connections.
However you chose to spend your holiday, take lots of pictures and write down your experiences and activities. They will be memories to look back and smile on in the future and they’ll also be reference points when making your next holiday plans.
How are you spending the summer break?

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