Flexxers share their 2018 goals with us, What’s yours?

Hey Flexxer,

We hope you are taking or have taken advantage of our post here which teaches you how make resolutions that you can achieve this year.

Other flexxers like you have and they have shared their 2018 goals with us, we hope you read them, get inspired and share yours with us as well.

  1. Paul Nnakwe, 25.I divided my goals into different Key areas of my life.Leadership (Family)
    Strengthen Bond by Love and prayer
    Take more financial responsibility
    Presence, counsel and Support for my siblings
    Being a gatekeeper (Look after the Pride)
    Spiritual Life
    To become a man of prayer
    Observe my quiet time faithfully
    My Bible Study and research
    Become a great intercessorAcademic Pursuit
    Apply for my masters – Marketing Communications or an MBA
    Professional certifications (APCON, Digital Marketing Diploma, Google Search and Display Advertising and other related certs.)
    Faithful Tithing and seed sowing
    10% Savings per income flow
    Build an Investment portfolio
    Record daily expenses and perform a weekly review.
    Establish multiple income streamsBooks
    Read books Err’day
    Study 30 books in 2018 {10 per quarter}
    Write reviews of movies, songs, and books.
    Write my own Book

    Choose Friends Wisely
    Establish networks in my fields.
    Cut off unneeded acquaintances
    A godly and fulfilling relationship with my spouse..
    Career { content marketing and business development}
    Take up additional courses and certifications
    Become an Influencer
    Attend Events
    Move to a bigger firm
    Add value to my clients
    My Business
    Establish 2 internet companies
    Own a Fashion brand
    Create products and services around my skillset
    Music and The Choir {The skilled Musician}
    Compose my own songs and music
    Build 15 Arrangements
    Possess my own sound
    Execute quality rehearsals
    Organize a concert this year
    * Exercise err’day, eat well and drink water like a fish
    living a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
    * Travel More this year

    **The End For Now*****

  2. Mercy Ihebom, 22 

The major goal for this year is to secure my happiness,I refuse to allow certain negative energies alter my state of mind and deviate my focus. Optimism and happiness all the way. I love traveling so I wish to explore new grounds literally and spend less time on social media while at it.

I’ve always enjoyed art since high school and by the end of the year, I hope to have a few of my paintings hanging on a wall somewhere. Lastly, I would like to learn a foreign language and go to a catering school.

3.  Spiff Kalapoi, 21. 

“For now I guess I’m just trying to finish my youth service, God will handle the rest”

4. Adebola Adebiyi 23 

To work smartly, to kickoff my own side business, maximize my time, travel on holiday at least twice outside the country, be more outgoing in general, and if possible get a small car for starters.

5. Evan Akoko, 24. 

“My goal is to get a good job, save a lot and live through the year tbh”

6. Paul Etuk, 17.

“To gain admission into the university this year and to be a better graphics designer.”

Share your #2018Goals with us in the comments section and we’ll update this post with it!

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