10 great tips for sticking with your resolution this year

10 great tips for sticking with your resolution this year

10 great tips for sticking with your resolution this year

The new year is like a fresh start and a great opportunity to change bad habits and establish new routines that will help you grow psychologically, emotionally, physically, or intellectually.

Here are great tips to help you stick with your resolution this year.

  1. Having a support system: It’s important that you tell your loved ones and family about your goal and how they can support you.
  2. Adopt technology: There are so many apps out there that can help you attain your desired goals. Whether you want to quit smoking or lose weight, there is always an app that can help with your daily progress.
  3. Take your resolution one day at a time: Don’t think of yourself as a failure if you ever ‘backslide’ on your resolution journey. Just pick up where you left off and carry on.
  4. Set smaller goals: Every success is achieved through baby steps; they allow you to focus better.
  5. Be prepared for any outcome: Have it at the back of your mind that some things might not go as planned. You can also create an action plan for such a time (if any).
  6. Set clear goals: Having a clear goal allows you to take it seriously as your intentions were.
  7. Ensure you reward yourself: Cheer yourself up by setting smaller goals to reach before a reward. Knowing that you have a small reward in place would motivate you to keep it up.
  8. Join an online community: This gives you access to a network of people with similar goals. You can hold each other accountable and cheer each other up.
  9. Partner with someone: Almost as similar to the previous tip, you know the saying “two heads are better than one”, that’s true in this case. Partnering with someone to achieve your goal keeps you going. It’s a great way to stay motivated and accountable too.
  10. Record your progress in a journal: This will be highly helpful if your goal is something that may look very subtle to you. When you feel like you’re not succeeding, you can go back and see that you’re.
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Most Importantly, remember to be kind and flexible with yourself, and don’t forget to celebrate any small progress along the way. It’s just not the end goal that matters. It’s the journey along the way.

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