Meet Micheal Omoleye, Our Flexxpreneur Of The Month!

Meet Micheal Omoleye, Our Flexxpreneur Of The Month!

Meet Micheal Omoleye, Our Flexxpreneur Of The Month!

Hi Flexxers!

Happy New Year 🥳😁🥳

We would like for you to meet our first Flexxpreneur of 2022! Say hello to Micheal Omoleye, a photo-realistic pencil artist and an entrepreneur.

His journey started with a growing passion and love for art without much focus until he made the decision to take it further.

Read more about Micheal, our latest Flexxpreneur!

Let’s meet you (Your name, what you do and where you are from)

My name is Micheal Omoleye A.k.a Emfassy, I’m a photo-realistic pencil artist. I’m from Ekiti State but reside in Ogun state.

How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been doing this for over 4 years, since 2018.

What inspired you to go into business?

I was just genuinely passionate about art and was doing it just for the love without direction until I was advised by a few friends to go commercial with it.

What are the challenges you face as a young entrepreneur?

Oh, that definitely was how to market my craft to the world. It was really a thing, getting people to see my work, fall in love, and be persuaded to patronize. So I got myself to the point where I worked towards making my drawings really appealing to anyone at the first glance. It took a lot of self-drive, hard work and restlessness.

What was your highest and lowest point since you started this journey?

Well, my lowest point will be when I got into the business without much depth of knowledge on how and what to do. So at that point, I was just drawing, but later I improved on myself.

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My highest point I would say was when I did a huge drawing of myself and took a picture of it with me standing beside it. It got a lot of attention and reactions especially from those who knew me and they kept sharing it on as many platforms as possible. I really do appreciate them, I’ve been getting positive messages and responses since then which of course has been motivating.

What do you aim to achieve in the next 12 months in relation to your business?

Well, all is in the hands of the creator. But I am working towards getting a bigger audience on all my social platforms, getting compilations of my works and even those I’m yet to work on for an exhibition. I don’t want to say beyond that.

What are your short- and long-term goals?

Short Term
My short term goals would be the answer to the previous question.

Long Term
Owning a big art gallery that would be located somewhere between Ogun and Lagos State.

Which individuals do you get inspiration from and why?

Kevin Okafor to start with, Arinze, and of course myself and everything around me. The afore-mentioned names are masters in the art business and they’re Africans who are now global in the business.

How do you unwind?

Music welcomes me with open arms whenever I need to relax.

What advice would you give your fellow Flexxers who are on this path?

Create value first, money will come desirably.

What are your social media handles?

Instagram: @emfassyart

Twitter: @emfassyart

Facebook: Micheal Omoleye (Emfassy)

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Facebook page: Emfassyart.

Anything else you’d like us to know about you?

Yes, I’m also a very good singer, and I record songs too. Though I’ve not really promoted any of my singing works(laughs).

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