Flexxpreneur of The Month

Meet Oluwatitofunmi Ipinmoye, Our Flexxpreneur of The Month!

Hi Flexxers! 😊

It’s time for you to meet our Flexxpreneur of the month! In this episode of the Flexxpreneur series, we spoke to Oluwatitofunmi Ipinmoye, a Clinical Dietitian.

She opened her world to us, sharing her inspirations, challenges, goals and more. We hope her relentless attitude and entrepreneurial journey inspires you!

Read on to meet Oluwatitofunmi, our latest Flexxpreneur!

Let’s meet you (Your name, what you do and where you are from)

My name is Oluwatitofunmi Ipinmoye. I am a Clinical Dietitian, a licensed Nutrition and a Culinary Expert. I am from Ekiti State.

How long have you been doing this?

I have been in private practice for 5 years now.

What inspired you to go into business?

First, it was stemmed out of my passion to drive adequate nutrition and support individuals with nutrition-related illnesses across Africa. Then from a financial point, the number of people suffering from nutrition-related illnesses is very high and I saw it as an opportunity to tap into a large market.

What are the challenges you face as a young entrepreneur?

  • Understanding financial management – (managing business finance)
  • The dominance of quacks in the healthcare industry
  • Lack of support from regulatory organizations and professional bodies
  • Poor knowledge about the role of dietitians in the healthcare value chain

What was your highest and lowest point since you started this journey?

Highest point

  • Transitioning into an African focused Business
  • Understanding the importance of technology in driving scale and leveraging on it

Lowest point:

  • Starting all over again and building from scratch after my first practice failed

What do you aim to achieve in the next 12 months in relation to your business?

  • Expand our engagement to francophone Africa
  • Complete our client engagement App
  • Close more partnership deals
READ  Meet Amaka Goodness Okoh, Our Flexxpreneur of the Month

What are your short- and long-term goals?

Short Term

To grow our client base by X5

Long Term

To be a household name in the Nutrition support industry across Africa

Which individuals do you get inspiration from and why?

  • Vusi Thembekwayo: An International speaker, Best-Selling Author, Award-winning impact & tech investor.

I draw inspiration from him because of his very direct and unapologetic approach towards achieving his business objectives.

How do you unwind?

I stay home and sleep.

What advice would you give your fellow Flexxers who are on this path?

Stay consistent and be courageous. Success is for those who dare.

What are your social media handles?

Instagram: TNN Africa

Facebook: The Nutrition Network Africa

LinkedIn: The Nutrition Network Africa

Anything else you’d like us to know about you?

I believe movies are overrated well except King of Boys II.


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