A plate of food with other plates in the background

Which of These Types of Cooks Are You?

We’ve all had to get in the kitchen to whip up a meal at some point, haven’t we? And that qualifies us to be called ‘cooks’, right? (We know it doesn’t it 😂)

Well, we all belong to at least one category of cooks. Which one are you? Let’s find out:

The ‘Touchy’ Cook

You prefer to be left alone while cooking. You hate it when other people walk in or disturb them while you are working your magic in the kitchen.

You tell people not to touch any of your ingredients and you won’t even let them taste the food you’re cooking or even take a peek until you are done.

The Conventional Cook

You stick to the recipes you know– and the ones everyone else knows. (e.g the good old rice & stew or eba) You don’t bother to try out new recipes. You “no dey do pass yourself”.

The Experimental Cook

You love learning and trying out new recipes in the kitchen. You follow dozens of food Youtubers and you’re always watching their videos, looking for the next ‘experiment’ to make. Some of these experiments have turned out great, while others have ended up in total disasters.

The One-Trick Pony

You can only cook one meal and you try to make it well. Whether it’s Indomie, plantain or white rice, you play it safe with the meal you know how to make. Those you live with know not to bother you when it comes to cooking because they know you can only cook one type of food.

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The ‘Safe’ Cook

You can only cook food for one person- you. If you try to cook for two or more people, it will most likely end in tears- it will either get burnt, turn out salty, end up tasteless, too much or too little. So, to avoid stories that touch, you cook for yourself alone. 😅

The ‘Five-Ten Minute’ Cook

You can only cook meals that can be made in ten minutes or less- Noodles, Spaghetti, Pap, Eba and the like. Any food that requires you to spend more than that stipulated time is dead on arrival. 💀💀

The Expert Cook

Cooking is your superpower. It just comes naturally, and you can even do it in your sleep. Everyone loves your cooking and looks forward to tasting your meals. Your worst ‘meal’ is most people’s best. That’s just how good you are at this cooking thing.

We stan.

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