A basket filled with clothes

A Ranking of Household Chores from Worst to Best

There are a couple of things that are synonymous with Saturdays— waking up late, having akara & pap or yam & eggs for breakfast, attending owambes and of course— household chores.

We all have to do some house chores at some point, whether we like it or not. And even if you can outsource some of them, you’ll still end up having to do some now and then. But like everything in life, house chores exist on a spectrum. Some are enjoyable, while others are downright awful. Here’s a ranking, from best (‘omg I enjoy this’) to worst (who invented this chore for goodness’ sake 🙄).

Have a look and tell us if you agree or disagree!

Doing The Laundry

Whether you are washing clothes by hand or putting them in the washing machine, you’ll agree that it can be exhausting. Separating the colours, bleaching whites, starching shirts- all stressful. And it doesn’t help that it’s boring and repetitive- nothing exciting or fun about it. Meh.

Ironing The Clothes

Wearing a fresh, starched, firmly pressed outfit is great but the process of getting it to that point is strenuous. Folding it, steaming it and pressing it— all while trying to ensure it doesn’t burn? Abeg abeg abeg.

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Cooking Dishes

YouTubers and TV chefs do a great job of making cooking look like fun because the reality is that it really isn’t. All those hours spent sweating, cutting, grinding, blending, boiling, frying and grilling in the kitchen to make food that you’ll end up eating in twenty minutes or less? It’s only remotely enjoyable when you’re making a quick meal.

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Dusting Furniture

This is an essential chore but goodness gracious, it’s pretty weird. I mean, it’s great to get the dust off your furniture but when you realise that it’s only going to settle in the air for a while and then end up on the floor which you just swept earlier, it becomes annoying.

Taking Out The Trash

This is a ‘no-sweat’ chore. All you need to do is put the trash together, throw it away appropriately and wash your hands. The end. It’s quite boring though, so it’s at number three.

Sweeping The House

This can be a boring and repetitive chore, especially because it has to be done every day. But it deserves this spot on the list because, for some reason, it’s quite enjoyable on Saturday mornings, especially with some music playing in the background.

Washing Dishes

Now, this is undoubtedly the best and most tolerable house chore— once you can ignore the people adding more plates and cups to the sink as you wash or the bottom of your shirt getting wet. All you need to do is plug in your earphones and get to work. In no time, you’ll be done! It has rightfully earned its spot as the best house chore.

What do you think of our ranking? Do you agree or disagree? Tell us in the comments section below!

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