Catch your ex

How To Catch An Ex Who Is Pretending To Be Over You

Tolulope looked at the clock, it was past midnight. Who could be knocking at his door by this time? He shuffled through his mini flat and went to the door. “Who is there?” He asked harshly, angry at the incessant knocking.

“It’s me.” Came a scared and tiny voice.

Tolulope frowned. “Linda?” He opened the door and she hurried in. He watched his ex-girlfriend, confused, as he bolted the door. They had ended their relationship two weeks ago and agreed to stay away for now. “What are you doing here by this time, Linda?”

“Your toothbrush was still at my place. I brought it over.” She said sheepishly as she raised the wrinkled brush. Tolulope just stared, dumbfounded.

Exes are meant to be left in the past, this is what many people say. But the truth is that it is not always easy to let go of a relationship. For this reason, you find exes who say they are over the relationship but are still around and you wonder if it’s all in your head or they are still trying to hold on.

So, how do catch an ex who is pretending to be over you?

1. There is always something they forgot at your place

Today, it was a business book, next tomorrow it will be their favourite pair of socks. They keep finding excuses to come around and be in your face. Nna, there is more to the matter than just leaving stuff behind.

2. Their social media post is full of moving on

#WeMove, #SingleReadyToMingle #BooedUp…they keep trying to tell you they have moved on so they overdo it. There will be pictures with a new guy or girl that doesn’t necessarily state that they are in a new relationship, over-exaggerated fun, etc. They are either trying to convince themselves or trying to get your attention and make you jealous.

3. Suddenly, they are your mentor

All the pushing and advising they did not give during the relationship, they start downloading it. You talk for hours about the future, what you should name your company and how you should utilise social media. Hehehe…it happens. All these so that they can be an important part of your life. “Always let me know before you make a decision”. Mmmhmm…we know what you’re doing.

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4. You are their mentor

This is the opposite of number 3. With the way they call you for advice, you begin to wonder if you have been loaded with so much wisdom all this while. While we cannot belittle your intellectual capabilities…LOL, they are probably doing that to make you feel important and indispensable.

5. They are everywhere

‘What a coincidence!’. In the library, on your walk home (‘I was in the neighbourhood’), at a friend’s party…they are somehow always there, blaming your meetings on coincidence. Ngwanu, continue.

6. All his friends ask after you

Suddenly, all his friends whom you didn’t know existed or who spoke only a few words to you are asking how you’ve been, sending you messages, telling you how you and your ex are a match made from heaven.

7. Why did we break up?

When they always want to talk about what went wrong, it’s usually because they think it can be fixed. It could also be that they are trying not to repeat the same thing in their next relationship. Who knows?

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