A young lady seated, smiling while reading a book and holding a mug

For Everyone Who Loves Books

If you love escaping into the fictional universes created by authors in their books, we might just be able to guess some facts about your life. If you’re in doubt, take a look:

You Have Casting Ideas


Whenever you read a book, you start imagining its screen adaptation. You have ideas of what actors should play what character and who should direct the film or TV show.

You Take Your Book Everywhere


You get so engrossed in your book that you take it along with you to read. You read it in the car, in the kitchen, in the restroom, at the office, on the bus, in a cab and everywhere else imaginable. You hate spending time away from your book because of the grip that the suspenseful plot has on you.

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You Know Almost Everything About Your Favourite Authors


Whenever you fall in a love with an author, you follow their social media pages, read up on their life history, tweet about how much you love them, buy tickets to their seminars and talks, read everything they’ve ever written and sign up to their newsletters.

You Spend Most of Your Money on Books


Most of your money goes to book stores because you’re always purchasing books. The delivery guy is already fond of you because he’s always dropping off books at your house 😂

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You Have An Ever-Growing Collection of Books


Even though you have about five books on your desk that you haven’t read yet, you still find ways to buy even more. You buy books for all kinds of reasons- the titles, the cover designs, the authors, and more. You just can’t help yourself when it comes to books.

You Get Emotionally Attached to Characters

Buzzfeed Meme

Buzzfeed/ https://nerdgal-dorkski.tumblr.com/

You still hate that author for putting you through emotional anguish over a character they decided to torture for no reason. You probably can’t count the number of your characters you’ve mourned and the number of books you’ve cried over. You’re still thinking about Kainene and wondering what happened to her.

Nothing Upsets You More Than Closing A Book Without Bookmarking It


And it’s even worse when you forget the page number, so you have to go on a ‘scavenger hunt’ to find the page.

You Always Read The Book Before The Adaptation


While other people don’t mind watching a movie or TV show without reading the book, you absolutely have to read the book first. That’s a personal rule you live by, always.

You Were Fond of Reading Books Ahead of Everyone When You Were Younger


Whenever you bought the recommended novels for Literature class back in secondary school, you had the habit of reading them all even before school resumed. Are we correct? 😂

So what facts did we guess correctly about you? Let us know in the comments section!


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