Fashionable in 2021

7 Ways You Can Become More Fashionable in 2021

‘Dress as you want to be addressed’ they say, but you are still not satisfied with the outlook. If you are looking to become more fashionable in 2021, your daddy doesn’t have to be Otedola.

If you have a million and still not fashionable, you will be likened to something the cat dragged out or a villager from Ijebu Ode trying to impress Lagosians. No offence to Ijebu indigenes.

So, what do you need to look just the way you want to in 2021?

1. Confidence

Fashion confidence

Being timid and shy will make it difficult for you to pull off a new look, especially one that you want people to notice. Making a fashion statement requires boldness, daring to be different. What happens when Tade doesn’t like your new pants and Simi doesn’t like your shirt? You can’t always change based on one person’s opinion.

2. Don’t go in blind

Look up fashion Icons. Look up influencers in the fashion world and study their dressing style. This is not so that you can copy their style (especially when you are on a budget) but you can get inspiration and motivation in developing your own sense of style.

3. Set goals

fashion goals

What do you intend to achieve with your looks? If you intend to just look as fine as Instagram girls, you might want to just do thrift shopping online. If not, write them down. Is it to look eccentric? Command respect? Look glamorous or scholarly? Writing it down will help.

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4. Experiment styles

fashionable in 2021

Be ready for a whole lot of tongue lashing here. You can’t be subtle about your experiment. To come out of your comfort zone, you need to try colours that you normally wouldn’t wear and see how people react to it.

5. Sense of style

sense of style

Remember that you cannot please everyone. Once you find your inspiration and have experimented with a couple of styles, choose the one that suits you best and develop your sense of style. Don’t stop at your clothes, your hair and other accessories should be developed too. If you are going natural with your hair, keep it moisturized and shiny.

6. Become a statement

Fashion statement

Fashion Icons are known to be either, political, philosophical, religious, activist, following trends or holding on to other beliefs. Becoming fashionable goes beyond your dress, you have to be known for something, whether in large or small scale. Have a statement and a belief, mix that with your style and 2021 will agree that you are indeed fashionable.

7. Stay trendy

fashion trends

Stay up-to-date with the latest fashion trends. Try out the new scarfs, poncho and make them blend with your developed fashion style.

When you finally have all these in place, you can finally be dressed as you want to be addressed.

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