Young African American woman with black curly hair in the yellow hat with a wide brim covering her face.

5 Unwritten Fashion Rules For Ladies

5 Unwritten Fashion Rules For Ladies (GLO 30682 40637 79762)

By Samuel Ikane

In society, fashion is not something that we could imagine to be guided by rules but like the saying goes: ”without rules, here will likely be chaos”. If you want to be a fashionable or fashion-forward person, there are certain things that you should be able to do. At the same time, there are also certain things that you should never do. All these form the Unwritten Rules Of Fashion.

As an individual, you are free to have your own personal fashion choices and rules guiding how you dress. This forms your personal style. However, there are still certain rules that apply to anyone irrespective of your fashion sense or your personal fashion choices. Fashion is something that you can easily get wrong when you don’t follow these rules.

The best part about these rules that it is easily adaptable and you can twist it in order to suit the kind of person you are. Fashion is not something that should be policed on anyone. I’m just here to guide you.

Here are some of the unwritten fashion rules which a lot of people out there are guilty of violating and may end up regretting it:

1. Comfort Should Be Your First Priority


This is one thing that we inherited from our forefathers and we should never let it go. Back in the olden days or should I say in ancient times, most people didn’t dress to look good. They dressed to protect themselves and to be comfortable. We can’t completely let go of this mindset.

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No matter how good you look or how good your outfit is, it’s a waste is you’re not comfortable in it. There’s no way you can fully rock an outfit properly when you’re not comfortable in it unless if you’re a miracle worker.
When picking an outfit, above everything else, your comfort should come first and be your priority. You can make any outfit choice look good when you’re comfortable in it.

2. Don’t Mistake “Price-tag” for “Style”

Price Tag

This is one mindset that needs to be erased from society especially in this modern world. A lot of people depend on expensive clothes thinking that the only way to look good is to spend hundreds of thousands on clothing. While it’s true that most of the top designers out there are not cheap, it doesn’t mean that the cheaper designers are not worth it.

You can spend your entire one-month salary on an outfit and someone who spent less than half of what you spent will still show you up and make you look secondary.
Don’t get me wrong, if you can afford to go for the best designers out there, there is no problem with that. The problem comes when you feel that the more expensive clothes are better or when you feel lessened because you can’t afford top designers.

3. It’s Okay To Borrow Ideas

Borrow Ideas

What’s the point of an idea if other people cannot benefit from it. This idea applies for all art including fashion. Remember that beautiful outfit you saw on your friend or on a celebrity? it’s okay to copy the idea and use it for yourself.
One thing you can do is to add your own special touch to make the outfit more unique to you. It may be boring if you copy and paste the exact outfit you saw on someone else. Remember, it’s the idea that you’re after. This will make you look more unique and stand out.

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4. Dress According To Your Physique


This is another thing that you can’t afford to get wrong if you want to look fashionable. We human beings come in different shapes and sizes, and so does our dressing.
A tall person can’t wear clothes meant for a short person. It simply will not look good. Another example is when a chubby person wears clothes meant for slim people. No matter how trendy something is, you don’t have to wear it if it doesn’t suit your size or physique.

You should already know the types of clothes to wear which makes you look good in your natural shape and stature. Go for it.

5. Always Dress According To The Occasion


You shouldn’t wait for someone to give you a dress code before you know what to wear to an event. After all, do you wear a suit and tie to sleep?.
In society, you should already know certain clothes that are suitable for certain occasions and clothes that are not suitable.
For example, Traditional outfits are for official business and weddings, not for trips to the beach or pool parties. When you dress wrongly for an occasion, you will definitely look out of place and nobody wants that for themselves.


Fashion Conclusion

Fashion is subjective and a way of expressing your personality without even saying any words. Without a doubt, we all want to look good and feel good in whatever we wear which is why we need to be guided by certain unwritten rules.

Also, note that it’s not a military regime so you are free to bend these rules in ways that are comfortable for you.

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