kitchen haphazard

Kitchen & Home Hazard To Look Out For This Christmas

There is a frenzy associated with Christmas, the cooking, party planning, decorating and so on. The atmosphere is usually hyped and exciting. With all that going on, it is very easy for one happy event to result in an accident. (MTN 1079 0713 1408 11076)

Here are a few kitchens and home hazards to watch out for in this season:

1. Cooking hazards

kitchen haphazard

Whether you are cooking with the gas in the kitchen or firewood in the outside, be careful. There might be family or friends around you, which can make it very easy to forget you left the gas on. Make sure you turn it off when you’re done and the firewood outside should be kept far away from plastics and bushes in order to prevent a fire outbreak.

2. Candles and Christmas lights

kitchen haphazard

While you are busy lighting up your home, make sure to use portable candle stands that will not topple over and burn sofas. Also buy Christmas lights with good wiring to avoid sparks, jolts and worse still, fire. Arrange your lights properly in order to avoid entanglements.

3. Wet floors

kitchen haphazard

The floors get dirty faster when people keep moving back and forth. You might want to clean while family and friends are around. But, the last thing you need, is a guest tripping over a wet tile and cracking bones. So, clean when there are fewer people available and keep dry when the house is full.

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4. Sharp and pointy objects

Christmas hazard

From one jolly laugh in the kitchen, a glass cup might end up on the floor. If there are children from family and friends about, you might want to keep the knives far from reach. And oh, do not forget those pointy ornaments used in decorating Christmas trees. Handle with care.

5. Unwanted visitors

Home hazard

We were preparing to go to church one Christmas Eve when all of a sudden some men armed with guns walked into our home and catered away with all the cash at hand. Who can relate to these stories of being robbed during Christmas season because the door was left unlocked? The season shouldn’t change your safety measures, still, keep your doors locked.

6. Vacated Homes


If you will be travelling for the festive season, make sure to protect your home against burglars. There are thieves looking for vacated homes to loot. If you have to assign a neighbour to watch the house, do that. Or simply bar your house properly with windows locked too. Cameras and alarm systems can help make this precaution measure easier.

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