Job interview remotely by video call using laptop.

Network and Build Relationships Virtually with These Tips

Remember the time when networking was pretty simple? We could attend training sessions, conferences and meetings to share knowledge with like-minds and learn from industry experts. These networking events allowed us to meet new people and build beneficial relationships.

However, social distancing guidelines have caused organisations to switch from physical settings to the virtual world.

Are you wondering how can you network, build relationships, get valuable information and even get connected to opportunities virtually? Here are some tips:

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Attractive young African woman holding smart phone and looking at it while standing indoors.

Social media has proven to be more useful than ever during the current pandemic. Platforms such as LinkedIn provide a community for professionals across different industries to share thoughts, insights and tips. You can write opinion pieces, comment on posts you find insightful, contribute to discussions or even ask questions.

You can join LinkedIn groups, which are organized according to industries, alumni and more. Whatever industry you’re currently in (or interested in), the chances are that there’s a group you can join and connect with.

Twitter is also a great place to learn and grow professionally. If you’re conversant with the platform, you probably know about Tech Twitter and Design Twitter- informal groups of professionals who often share tips, advice and opportunities. Twitter is a great place to learn and connect with like-minds.

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Attend Virtual Events

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Since you can’t attend physical conferences and events, why not join them online? To find out about these events, you’d have to leverage social media platforms, as written above. Several organizations and bodies often put together virtual conferences where industry experts are invited to discuss important topics.

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Here’s the fun part: you can even make more connections at online events, than you would, in a physical event. Here are some tips to help you make the most of virtual events such as webinars.

Keep in Touch with Your Past and Present Colleagues

Image of a virtual chat

Relationships and connections are strengthened when you intentionally work on them by keeping in touch. You can do so by chatting and calling each other, sharing helpful information and opportunities, as well.

Note: While keeping in touch with people, it’s crucial to ensure that you are genuinely interested in building a connection with them. When this happens, it’s easier to establish a natural and honest connection with them.

Decide What Your End-Goal Is

Achievement. Red flag on the horizon. Aim. Target. Mission. Perspective. Young male character's silhouette.

Before reaching out to people, ensure that you have a specific goal in mind. What do you want to get out of the connection? Do you want mentorship? Job opportunities? Helpful Advice? When you decide what your end-goal is, you’ll be guided on the type of people to connect with.

However, ensure that you have something to give in return, as well. Ideal relationships aren’t one-sided; they are beneficial to both parties.


Have you been able to network and build new relationships during this period? Share your tips in the comments section below!

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