leather furniture

5 Ways On How To Effectively Maintain Your Leather Furniture

Unless you are allergic to leather, almost everyone loves good leather furniture in the home. It is classy, comfortable and homely.
Having one in your living room especially speaks volume as opposed to plastic, wooden, iron chairs and the like.

Leather furniture is warm and inviting for both yourself and your guests. But, with all that beauty and attractiveness from a leather sofa, it can give the opposite effect once it develops a problem. People frown at cracked, stained or wrinkled leather because it looks unattractive and makes the room look shabby.

To maintain your leather furniture and to have them last for a long time, you need to shy away from neglecting it by adopting these five ways of maintenance;

1. Keep away from direct sunlight


Most times, when we arrange our furniture, we do not consider the lighting of the room; instead, we focus on the placement. ‘Where is the chair facing? Is it far enough yet close enough to see the TV?’ These and some more are our usual concerns. But if your leather is at that spot where sunlight filters into the room and shines down upon, then you need to move the chair, or it will start wearing out. It is not limited to the sun alone; direct contact with heat can bring about the same result.

2. Dust weekly

furniture leather

brown sofa cleaning

When your leather come in nude colours, brown or black, it is easy not to see the dust accumulating on your cushions. It is advisable to clean your leather furniture once or twice a week, whether you can see the dirt or not.

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3. Air the room


While you are preventing direct sunlight or heat from touching your leather furniture, you should also protect it from dampness. When the room is moist and damp with no light coming into the room at all, your furniture starts growing moulds on it. Have you ever seen white substance spreading on your chair? Now you know why. So, allow fresh air to come into the room and give your furniture space to breathe.

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4. Spread your clothes somewhere else


It is a bad habit to bring your fairly wet clothes from the rain outside and spread them on your leather cushions. While you may not see the damage done to it immediately, because of the damp nature of the clothes absorbing water into the chair over a couple of hours, moulds will eventually spread over the chair and ruin it.

5. Clean properly


When cleaning, it is preferable to use a dry cloth but, if this does not clean your leather thoroughly, you can opt for a damp cloth with lukewarm water. Avoid using detergents, soaps or chemicals that are not approved by your cushion’s manufacturer.

6. Fluff and turn

Just as you clean weekly, it is also advisable to fluff and turn your cushions too. They might look best and unharmed just sitting proudly in a spot, but without fluffing weekly, wrinkles are bound to develop over time.

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