Nigerian Parents

The Most Awkward Questions Nigerian Parents Ask At Random Moments

Nigerian parents are a special breed, aren’t they? No matter how different they might be from each other, there are certain traits they all possess.

From sarcastic responses like ‘put it on my head’ to statements like ‘I always came first in class’ and the classic ‘pass me the remote’, Nigerian parents are hilarious and unique in their ways.

However, one particular trait Nigerian parents have (that we hardly ever discuss) is their tendency to ask some pretty awkward questions that leave you feeling shocked, amused and downright confused sometimes.

If you live with them, you’ll be familiar with some of these questions:

‘Are you having sex?’

Sometimes, they could ask this question during the most random moments. You could be getting something from the fridge when they appear behind you and ask you the question with a concerned look on their face, or they could walk into your room and sit on your bed quietly before asking the question. Other times, they throw the question in your face during an argument, putting you on the spot. Yikes.

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‘Who’s your boyfriend/ girlfriend?’

Nigerian parents LOVE this question and here are usually a lot of follow up questions: ‘Who is that boy/ girl you put in your WhatsApp profile picture?’ ‘Who are you always talking to on the phone?’ ‘Who was making you laugh when you were on that call?’. How awkward!

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‘What do you want to do with your life?’

Ghen ghen.
We all know how blunt and direct most Nigerian parents can be, especially when asking questions about your future and career.
If they see that you’re relaxing and being a bit too laidback, they’ll put you on the spot ASAP, and you had better have the right answer.

‘When are you bringing your husband/ wife home?

According to some Nigerian parents, getting married is the highest achievement is you can have, even if you’re channelling your energy and time towards building your career and attaining other educational degrees. Na wa oh.

‘How much do you have in your account?’

They’ll see you with a new device or catch you sneaking in a bag of clothes you ordered and ask you ‘How much have you saved?’ or ‘How much do you have in your account?’. Now, you have to tell them that you sabotaged your finances to buy ten new outfits you don’t need, simply because they were on sale. This one is your fault. Oops.

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