University Experiences That Will Get You Ahead (Asides Your Degree)

Your University experience should involve more than getting your Bachelor’s Degree. Yes, your parents sent you to school to ‘learn book’. However, you should work towards getting valuable experience that will benefit you after graduation and also give you something exciting to do asides your studies while you’re still in school.

If you’re wondering what these activities are, have a look!

Playing a Sport

If your school is lucky to have sporting facilities, you should take full advantage of them. From football to basketball, table tennis, swimming and more, you can learn or hone your skills. Playing sports is a great way to relax, keep fit and improve your abilities. Who knows? You might discover that it’s your true calling.

Silhouette of a male athlete

Student Internships

You should take full advantage of student internships while in school. Why? Because they’ll build up your wealth of experience. At least one or two months of your summer holiday should be dedicated to internships at organizations that are related to your field of study. It’s a great way to put your knowledge to practice, gain experience and skills outside the four walls of the conventional classroom. You can always add it to the ‘Experience’ column in your CV. Also, a company could hire you after your graduation, if you’ve interned with them before.

Young female student intern

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Acquiring Skills

Apart from your scheduled learning in school, take out some time to learn certain skills that could make you some extra cash in school and will also be useful, after your graduation. You can learn graphic design, coding, editing, digital marketing, photography and more. It might seem a bit overwhelming considering you have lectures and other schoolwork, but if you’re determined, you can put time aside.

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Volunteering/ Joining an Organization

Volunteer experience and organizational memberships in school are considered valuable in certain professional spaces, especially if you are privileged to hold leadership positions. You can join the student council, student event planning committee, media and publication organization, community service organization, student government organization, and so much more. These organizations will help you learn leadership skills, teamwork, networking, soft skills and valuable work experience. You should give it a try, it’s not as boring as it may sound.

Hands in support and commitment

Student Exchange Program

A student exchange program avails you the opportunity to travel to a foreign country to study at your university’s partner institution. This program is great because it exposes you to a new environment and a different learning experience different from what you used to. If your school has a student exchange program, you should apply for it.


What extra-curricular activities are you involved in at school? Tell us in the comments section! 

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