6 Businesses You Can Start With little or Zero Capital

What happens when the savings you’ve been gathering for two years suddenly becomes emergency funds? What happens when there’s no capital to start that dream business? Do you give up on the dream then?

Everyone knows we need money to run a start-up. That’s why we pitch ideas to investors when we realize our vision is bigger than our pockets. But when you need to raise some money so you can look good in front of potential investors, there are a few businesses that can run without Capital.

Check them out:

1. Service Coordination

How are your organizing and people skills? In every estate or residential area, there are usually needs for domestic help. People are needed to do laundry, run errands and other general clean-ups. You can organize people who are willing to do these menial jobs (there are always people) and become their agent/ coordinator. Then, watch the bucks begin to flow in.

2. Ice Blocks

Remember you are looking for a quick business that does not entail starting with a capital. So, this is not exactly fancy. All that is required for this to boom is a steady power supply and a refrigerator in your house. There are lots of bottled water and soft drinks hawkers on the roads during traffic hours. You can supply them with ice blocks to keep their drinks cold. Easy peasy, right?

3. Distributor

There are lots of groceries and drink companies with their products not having enough distribution outlets, thereby leading to unavailability of the product. This is where you come in. Become a distributor for whichever company is willing to release their goods with or without a vehicle. Distribute the goods to retailers and earn your keep by getting paid in commissions. The beauty of it is to become a distributor for multiple companies.

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4. Skits

You have a good phone with a good camera. Your friends are always telling you how funny you are and how you should be on TV. That dream will come later, first, let’s feed off the information from them. Start a skit on social media. View other funny skits on social media to see how it’s done and join Maraji, Funnybone and others like them. When you get a big audience, you can get a YouTube channel.

5. Home Lesson

Are you good with Maths, English or other general subjects? Home lesson teachers for children who need help catching up with their curriculum are almost always required. So, render your services as a teacher.

6. Recycling

It’s a common sight in this part of the country to see cans and plastic bottles being discarded in bins, the ground or even drainage system. You can gather them, take them to recycling companies and get rewarded for your efforts.

What other businesses do you think you can start with zero capital? Let’s have your opinions in the comment section.

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