Young African Man Writing A Scholarship Essay

How to Secure Your Desired Scholarship with A Top-Notch Essay

There are so many things that could terrify you in your lifetime: asking your crush out, facing an interview panel and importantly- writing a scholarship essay.

Every year, thousands of wide-eyed individuals apply for scholarships to study abroad, in the hope of being selected to their desired schools. However, not all scholarships are granted, and out of the numerous reasons why this happens, one critical thing is – the scholarship essay.

You might not be the smartest, most qualified or experienced, but with these tips, you can write a scholarship essay that will make you stand out and create a lasting impression:

a. Read (and Follow) the Instructions


Scholarships are very delicate, so you need to be sure that whatever you are writing is in alignment with the rules. The instructions could include a word count, font type or other essential guidelines that one must follow. Also, if you’re given a prompt or question to respond to or discuss, make sure you follow it and read between the lines. Remember, your scholarship essay is an excellent way to make a great first impression, so you must show that you know how to follow the rules.

b. Plan Ahead of Time


You should plan before commencing your scholarship essay. If you’re applying to different schools, have a map to guide you and set a deadline so that you can be disciplined. Planning also gives you ample time to decide what topic you’re going to write on, so you won’t rush into it.

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c. Choose A Good (Scratch that. Great) Topic

Your topic of choice is critical, as it plays a significant role in determining whether your application will be successful or not. An excellent topic will help you stand out from a large number of applicants and will get your foot in the door.
Choose a great topic: one that you’re passionate about. You’re bound to write a brilliant essay if you choose a great theme that is close to your heart. Make sure you do substantial research on the topic so you can arm yourself with reliable information.

d. Be Grammatically Correct


The last thing you want to do in your scholarship essay is “gbagaun”. Grammatical errors should be avoided at all cost. Ensure you brush up on your grammar and sentence structure, so you don’t make costly mistakes. Luckily, there are tools like Grammarly that help you ensure your work is correctly written and carefully worded. Don’t fall victim to typos and grammatical errors.

e. Write a Rough Draft


Before writing the final draft of your scholarship essay, you should have a rough draft including critical points, words and headings that should be included in your essay. You can make a list to guide you through, so you can write your final draft in an orderly manner and structure.

f. Make your essay compelling


The fact that your essay will be reviewed at an academic institution doesn’t mean it should be a boring one; it’s an essay, not a dissertation.
Write in a compelling manner that will take your reader on a journey. Make use of good storytelling and try to share your thoughts by writing your experiences in a vivid way that sparks your reader’s imagination. By doing this, you will compel your reader to read to the end: and even go back to read over and over. Remember you want to distinguish your essay from the others.

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g. Brag (but Not Too Much)


One sure-fire way to impress your reader is to brag (humbly, of course ?) about your wealth of experience, accomplishments and awards. To ensure you don’t leave the important ones out, you can make a list ahead. List out any academic honours you’ve won, jobs and internships; volunteer experience, extracurricular activities; training certifications and more. Make sure you’re truthful too. Also, don’t exaggerate and avoid being arrogant about your achievements.

h. State Your Goals


Scholarship programmes and foundations want to be assured that they aren’t throwing money into the wind. They are investing in your future, and they expect good returns. State your goals- Tell them how your immediate environment, country and chosen field will benefit from the educational opportunity you have been granted. Be as convincing as possible.

i. Proofread (As often as possible)


Proofreading your essay multiple times can help you ensure you make necessary additions and subtractions where they are needed. Also, share your piece with individuals who can give you can help you point errors you might have missed.
It’s advisable to have a lecturer or admission counsellor read through your essay. It is because they will be more familiar with scholarship essays, and they can offer useful recommendations to make your essay better. In the absence of a lecturer or counsellor, you can give your piece to an eloquent person with good reading and writing skills. You can also reach out to past scholarship beneficiaries to help you out. Adhere to their corrections and advice seriously too.

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If you need some more help, you can visit College Essay Guy for scholarship essays that were successful. You’ll learn a thing or two.

Also, you can download our FCMB IELTS Masterclass Handbook HERE!

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