Which of these employees are you?

From the outside, work environments can seem elegant and very alluring. A cluster of professionally dressed individuals looking dapper and all spruced up in their crisp shirts, tailored suits and formal dresses matched with the shiniest shoes you have ever seen.

However, if you work in an office, you’ll know that things aren’t always as they seem. Whenever you have a crowd of people with varying personalities packed in one place, you should expect different characters hiding behind the facade of work clothes.

Which of the below employees are you? Let’s find out, shall we?

1. The office clown

Every office has its own clown, and you can most likely identify them on the very first day you resume. They provide all the humor to break the ice and ease the tension at work.


2. The gossip

Certain colleagues are somehow always “in the know” about everything going down in the office. Whether it’s about an employee getting fired, employees who are secretly dating, looming salary cuts or downsizing, these guys have the tea on everything! And… they’re ready to serve it piping hot to anyone who cares to ask. Want some advice? Stay away from them.


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3. The DJ

Office DJs are those who always have their music on blast. Their excuse? It makes them think and work better.
Pro: If they have good taste in music, you’ll enjoy jamming up and you’re likely to feel less bored. Con: They can be distracting.

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4. The workaholic

This type of colleague spends all the time at the office working himself/herself to the bone. The workaholic will often make you feel like you’re doing nothing with your life with their work ethics. These people often come in early and leave work late.


5. The foodie

The ‘foodies’ always seem to have something to chew – gum, sweets, cookies and all other kinds of goodies, name it! If you have a generous one sitting next to you then you might as well ditch your lunch bag at home, because they’ve got your stomach needs covered!


6. The slayer

Slayers come to work looking good all the time! You’ll never catch them looking drab. They have the best wardrobes and always show up looking nothing short of amazing from their hair down to the mirror-like gloss of their shoes. You can always consult them for style advice.


7. The sleepyhead

These kinds of people love taking a good nap – a little bit more than they should if we might add. They sleep at their desks, in the lounge, conference rooms and even in the kitchen. They never miss an opportunity to put some sleeping time in their schedule.


8. The celebrity

These co-workers are loved by everyone- from the boss to the janitorial staff. They’re nice to everyone and always do an excellent job. They receive the most commendation and applause and, in most cases, they get promoted more often than others.

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9. The talkative

If you work on an open floor, you’ll have to deal with this type of employee. The talkative always has something to say, whether relevant or not, they’re going to vocalize. They also argue about everything. From football to music, movies, tv shows, politics and so on. They’re willing to give you their unsolicited opinions on any topic.


Which of these employees are you? Share your experiences with us in the comment section!

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