How to utilize photography to improve your online fashion business

Businesses generally aim to increase revenue and expand. As an entrepreneur, it’s important that you invest in tools that will boost your business and help you maximize profit in your niche.


If you are a “fashionpreneur”, it’s advisable to utilize photography as a core part of your promotional activities. Investing in great imagery can help you boost sales, especially with fashion products can practically “sell themselves”.


Here are a few tips to help you utilize photography for your fashion business.


  1. Product pictures

Product pictures inform your audience about the kind of products you sell. It’s a very effective way to grow your online audience, increase sales and invite people who do not originally follow your business page to view your profile. You don’t need to hire a photographer for this. You can take great pictures with your smartphones. All you need is lighting and a good angle.


  1. Have models showcase your products

Schedule photo sessions with professional models to give your products life. If you sell clothing, shoes, jewelry et al, professional photography can enhance how your products look to potential customers. Make sure that the photographer gives the right attention to the product you want to promote, so it’s not lost in the background.


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  1. Avoid lifestyle photography

Lifestyle photography is not the best type for fashion brands because it tends to focus on the aesthetics of the immediate environment than the product you’re trying to market.

  1. Use proper lighting
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Since your aim is to attract both your existing and potential customers, taking pictures with good lighting is very important for your product post. You don’t need to hire a professional photographer or buy a professional camera to do this, especially when you’re trying to save cost. Ensure you take pictures with natural light on your mobile phone and use some editing apps to slightly balance your image lighting.


  1. Use props to enhance the look of your picture

Props are accessories in photography that add life and a certain feel to your pictures. Be sure to make a budget for props and try to minimize how much you spend, as you’ll need to keep changing them as time goes on.

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Source: Onyinyechi Nneji (medium)


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