Business pitching techniques that investors can’t resist

Ever experienced a euphoria coming up with an amazing business idea only to have all that excitement deflated for lack of funds? We absolutely know that feeling.

Getting funds for your business idea can be quite challenging but pitching to investors is one way to get around this. How do you make a pitch so irresistible that investors won’t turn you down? The below techniques will help you.

1. Have a great business idea

MTN- 0099 9725 6566 50252. This is very important. Whatever your business venture might be, understand how it works. Do your research on how others have thrived in that line of business. Ask questions and seek concrete critique of your plans, before presenting it before a board of potential investors.

2. Practice your pitch

Just as you read before going into an examination hall, you need to also practice your presentation. It’s not enough to know what your idea is all about, you should also know how to present it. You can practice in front of the mirror, while timing yourself; or get some persons together and practice in front of them.

3. Predict questions

What do you think the investors will want to know? Anticipate what the questions would be and have answers for them. If coming up with questions prove difficult, ask intelligent friends around you for help. That can be used as a yardstick in preparing for your potential investors.

4. Make your pitch a story


You must have heard the popular axiom “if you want to capture the attention of a child for more than 5 minutes, then turn your lecture into an interesting story and that child is made”. Frankly, adults, too, are not far from this. So, to make your pitch very connecting and appealing, you can simply tell a story. That way, your pitch is unforgettable.

5. Dress smartly

GLO: 15139-72476-34703 You really don’t want a situation where the people who are supposed to be listening to you are distracted by your appearance. Dress professionally; that way, you will make a great first impression.

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6. Be enthusiastic

Your potential investors will want to see that you are excited and optimistic about your business idea. After all, if you don’t believe in it, why should they? So, let your excitement be contagious. That way, you will easily gain their attention.

7. Let your pitch be precise

Go straight to the point, don’t waste time rambling about irrelevant information and keep to time.

A successful pitch is intended to have investors willing to invest in your business. So, deliver what your potential investors truly want, and your business idea is sure to kick-off.

Is your pitch ready? How will the above tips help your pitch better? Let us know in the comment section.

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