6 practical ways of managing your time as an entrepreneur

Do you own a business and sometimes find yourself overwhelmed with multiple tasks? Do you find it almost impossible to effectively manage your time? If you find yourself dealing with any of these challenges, we have curated some practical steps to help you effectively manage your time. Take a look!

1. Have a plan

It is important you have a plan for the day’s activities. That way you can better put things in perspective. Also, you should ensure that your daily plan revolves around working on tasks and activities that add value to you and your business.

2. Set priorities

It’s not just enough to have a plan, it’s extremely important to execute. To stand a better chance of achieving your plans for the day, it’s important to set priorities and arrange your tasks in order of importance. That said, be sure to discipline yourself, too.

3. Avoid sidetracks

It is very easy to get distracted, especially when you are your own boss. You tend to procrastinate and eventually struggle with time. Rather than feel sorry for yourself later for not accomplishing much, it pays to avoid distractions such as chitchats, social media, etc.

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4. Take a break

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed. Your daily plans for your business growth are obviously important and you sometimes get tensed-up in a bid to achieve them. To ease that tension, you should take breaks at regular intervals in order to improve productivity.

5. Delegate duties

As the CEO or COO of your business, you apparently have to be on top of everything. This can be really overwhelming and can take you away from some other vital things you need for growth. To tackle this, it is key to delegate duties. Let there be division of labour for minor activities that do not require your expertise or direct attention. If you, however, don’t have others working for you, then break your tasks into a series of smaller steps.

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6. Check your list

After the day’s work is done, go over your list to check what you accomplished versus what you planned. If you have got everything done, great! If not, don’t be too hard on yourself, just roll it over to the next day and be more deliberate about achieving all your tasks.

Apply these time management strategies in your daily routine and enjoy a significant boost in your productivity.

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