4 things you cannot avoid as a JAMBite

JAMBites or ‘JAMBitos’ as they are popularly called are students newly admitted to the university. They are usually easy targets for older students to prey on and lord over (with their authority) or they just tend to be generally clueless about the events within the campus.

If you’re a JAMBite, here is a list of four (4) things that you cannot avoid:

1. Missing your way

Once you are a newbie in the university, there are chances you haven’t had a proper tour of the university grounds. So, you are definitely going to find yourself asking questions on how to get to certain faculties, departments or even lecture halls. Now, students who have been in the system can either play nice and give you accurate descriptions or send you on a wild goose chase. We can only tell you ‘Sorry, you’ll get it right next time!’

2. Matriculation Day

This is one big muscle-flexer for the older students. On this day, they try to initiate and also have fun. It’s a time to be merry, network and listen to motivational talks. Except you choose not to attend (which is not likely to happen), it’s an unavoidable event on campus.

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3. Paying Dues

Aside your school fees, screening, acceptance fees, get ready for a whole bunch of other dues to pay. You may have to pay due to your department, ethnic groups, clubs, the list goes on. Beware! It is a period to be exploited for your money, for both relevant and irrelevant stuffs. ‘Shine your eyes’ is the watchword.

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4. Making Friends

This can be as frustrating as it can be great. We all need one or two friends to hang out with and the selection process is usually the hardest part. It’s advisable to take your time and choose wisely.

Dear JAMBitos… Shine your eyes! Did you find yourself in any awkward situation in the University? What was it? We would like to know in the comments section!

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