5 things you should never do when starting a new job

Starting a new job is exciting, as well as challenging. Though it is an opportunity to start afresh, learn new skills and make new friends, you need to understand certain things that will give you a good head start.

Wondering how to forge ahead? See tips below:

Never assume your working hours

If you haven’t been informed about the working hours at your new workplace, never assume the time work starts and its closing period. It’s rather too soon to be late to work, and excuses may reflect poorly on you. Meanwhile, since your employers are still getting to know you, you can simply ask your supervisors or the Human Resource department to clarify the timing of your work schedule.


Don’t share so much personal information

Until you really get to know your co-workers, it’s unwise to relay your personal details whether past or present to them. Any confidential information shared to a colleague could end up being the hot gist for other co-workers. Besides, once so much is known about you, it can one day be used to undermine your authority in the workplace. So, tread carefully.


Don’t entangle yourself in office gossip

You should be very observant to know when a simple conversation is turning into gossip. Keep your ears open but your mouth closed. Always excuse yourself from talks that may deter your integrity, and bear in mind that not everything you hear is true.


Be willing to learn new ways of doing things

While you may be a guru in a particular skill at work, a colleague might know a simpler and shorter mean to achieve the same result. Don’t argue or lambast his/her method, instead, you should learn to adopt more techniques to further improve that skill. No knowledge is ever a waste.

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Never complain about your former boss or co-workers

Even if you were treated badly at your former place of employment, never talk poorly about any of it. The moment you speak ill about your previous workplace, they might think you would certainly do the same about them.


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