5 Tips For Planning A Movie Date Night

5 Tips For Planning A Movie Date Night With Friends & Family

5 Tips For Planning A Movie Date Night With Friends & Family (AIRTEL 5294 3164 1397 8904)

Movie night with friends and families is as easy as home entertaining gets. You do not need invites, costumes, themed decorations or overspending.

What you do need are three things: friends/families, a movie, and a place to watch the movie with some kind of movie-watching device. Well, four things, really, because you also need snacks. And drinks. Okay, that’s technically five.

Below are 5 tips for planning a movie date night with friends and families:

  1. Choose a movie
    Pick a movie. Whatever it is, it will be better than sitting around in a group and scrolling through Netflix until inspiration strikes. Cause if you don’t pick something in advance, you will either end up watching no movies at all (which is fine, but then it is not a movie night).
    There is a whole world of cinema out there! There are reviews of most of it! Take a chance. Live on the edge, and pick a movie.
  1. Do some research
    A lot of articles suggest that you should enhance your movie nights by inventing games or writing intense movie-themed trivia. We suppose you could do these things. Maybe it would be great! In general, though, you have to be wary of forced fun activities, and would strongly advocate against them. Your friends will appreciate it.
  1. Have enough seating
    It should not be a surprise that people are coming over, because you invited them. Have a plan. Bring in some chairs, floor pillows or decorative pillows . Comfort is important.
  2. Take your snacks seriously
    If you are going to go all out on anything, go all out on snacks. Finger foods are ideal, as are foods that can safely be eaten off a plate on someone’s lap. You can’t go wrong with popcorn; it’s not boring, it’s classic. Homemade snacks raise the bar, but there is no shame in takeout.
  1. Provide drinks with and without alcohol
    Drinks are a wonderland of possibility. Wine pairs well with all movies, although it is also good to have at least one festive non-alcoholic option, for non-drinkers, drivers, thirsty people, and people who get sleepy.
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What are your favourite movie night snacks, drinks, and other important items of interest? Do tell in the comments below.

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