Let’s take it back to secondary school when times were simple, shall we? Yes, there were boring classes, strict teachers and ugly uniforms but there were also exciting memories that make us smile, even years after.
Here are nine of them:
Free Periods
Who didn’t love free periods? For some people, the free period was their favourite ‘subject’. We got to spend it making noise, having banter with our classmates and having fun (unless the Math teacher decided to pop in to ruin the fun
Break Time
The sound of the bell or siren announcing ‘break time’ was like a call to freedom. After enduring boring classes where you struggled to concentrate on what the teacher was saying while your belly was rumbling, you finally got to go out to eat and have fun for twenty-five to thirty minutes. The worst thing that could happen was getting punished and missing break time.
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Post-Exam Activities
After studying for exams and writing exams under pressure, we got to enjoy the remaining free days leading up to closing day playing games (remember playing GTA and PES with your friends?), watching movies, playing football and just having lots of fun. Good times!
Inter-House Sports
Inter-house sports season was definitely a favourite. There was always rivalry amongst different houses, which was fun. You also got to spend fewer hours in class and more on the field practising ahead of the big day. It was always exciting to get chosen to represent your house, buy new sneakers or dresses and suits (if you were chosen as King or Queen of your house). And of course, the day of the main event was always fun- eating lots of snacks, taking lots of glucose (even if you weren’t participating), winning medals and trophies or cheering for your friends (and crushes) from the bleachers.
Excursions were certainly a lot of fun back then. Whether it was to a zoo, cinema, law court, park or corporate organisation, we loved any excuse to leave the four walls of the classroom to have some fun with our friends and classmates.
Home Economics Practicals
Everyone knows that the most interesting part of Home Economics was the practical aspect. Having friends who took the subject as an elective was a lot of fun because you got to eat A LOT of food during practical exams.
Christmas Party
There was no better way to round up the school year than a massive Christmas party where you could wear your coolest outfits, eat a lot of food, dance, play games and even find a way to speak to your crush. Oh and of course, take home huge party souvenirs.
Social Nights
This was one of the highlights of every school year. Everyone came in with their best attires, rocking flashy jewellery and makeup. And who can forget the awards? ‘Finest Male Student’, ‘Finest Female Student’, ‘Best Couple’, etc.
Having siblings, friends and school fathers/ mothers graduating from school was very exciting because you got to celebrate with them and eat to your heart’s content. And when it was your turn to graduate? Freedom at last! Graduation day was always a bittersweet day, as you had to say your emotional goodbyes to some of your favourite friends and classmates while being relieved that you were finally done with six years of school and ready for the next phase.
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