Have you watched some YouTube videos and you just rolled your eyes knowing it’s an attitude you see some YouTubers often display?
Is it the excitement of being on video or is there a manual that says this is how you have to act while on YouTube? Whatever is triggering it, here are a few of those characteristics we see and laugh over.
Some YouTubers be like;
1. Y’all been asking me for this
Wait, who asked? Take a DIY on applying eggs on your hair as an example. You will see a young YouTuber insist that subscribers asked for it. It becomes funnier when you check the number of views and wonder who exactly asked.
2. I woke up like this
Of course, this isn’t common among YouTubers who speak on corporate matters but the more relaxed fun ones. They will show themselves still in their PJs and hair dishevelled in just the right places. Honey, we know you applied concealer before starting that video.
3. Click and subscribe below
Every YouTuber practically begs for more subscribers. If you do not subscribe, how will they make their money after you watched their video for free? So, you’d see it, now and then, amid their video, they’re gesticulating and pointing their index finger downwards so that you know to click and subscribe. Biko, support the hustle and subscribe. LOL
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4. Talkativeness
Is there hot yam in your mouth? One might be tempted to ask some of these YouTubers, because of how they keep going on and on. Because they are trying to make sure that you stay interested, they believe they need to ‘shalaye’ and be fast about it.
5. Accent baptism
Just as travelling abroad can suddenly mean a swift change of accent in Nigeria, so can having a YouTube channel. Since they have viewers they intend to impress, assuring their viewers that their English is lovely is key. The only problem is when you start hearing a lady with a thick Igbo accent, struggling with a foreign accent in which you cannot tell whether it’s British or American.
6. All my fans
Isn’t it wonderful to have subscribers or people surfing through YouTube stumble upon your content? Whether they are fans now, it’s another ball game. But these YouTubers are just happy classifying everybody as fans. It makes bragging rights sweeter.
7. Advert Avalanche
It can be annoying when you’re watching a video and you’re continuously interrupted by an advert. But this is what YouTubers are hoping for. More ads. Most times, people skip it, unless the first 4 seconds is eye-catching. The Native Convos on YouTube even went as far as asking subscribers to watch the advert. Nna, watch o.
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