hair edges

The African Hair: Why Is My Edges Breaking?

How many times have you lamented about your hair edges breaking after taking off your weaving? It can be really tiring trying to make that front hair grow. Why you are spending a whole lot of amount trying to fix the problem, it will be wise to also find the source.

How about it?

1. Stress

Not what you expected? Stress can cause loss of hair to not only the front of your hair but to other parts too. There is a kind of stress associated with hair loss and it is called Telogen effluvium. It makes your follicles become dormant, causing hair in the growing stage to fall off. The solution is simple, manage your stress. Rest, sleep, pace yourself.

2. Tight hairdo

Once your hair begins to hurt while the hairdresser is pulling on it, tell him/her to loosen their grip. While you are concerned about the beauty of the weave, you should also note that a tight pull on your hair is breaking it.

3. Dryness

Now that our weather is parched and dry, this is the time to keep the hair moisturized because it will definitely break if neglected. Use warm water while washing your hair. Apply essential oil and leave-in conditioner often to remedy the problem. Another way to keep your hair from drying out is to use water from a spray bottle daily. As simple as watering plants daily.

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4. Over washing

Do not wash too often so that you don’t strip the hair of its natural oil. Once a week is enough.

5.Use of chemicals

Too much application of hair relaxers, hair dyes and the likes are what cause the front hair because it’s thinned out to fall off. Reduce their usage. Before you visit the salon for the next relaxation, let your hair have time to breathe and recover, until you notice an undergrowth.

6. Wrong combing

Some hairdressers are just mean. They pull on the hair repeatedly even though they can see it’s tangled. Everyone complains about how natural hair is hard to comb as it is all coiled up. But tugging with a comb and giving yourself headache is not the way and it’s only ripping your hair from the roots. Use water, oil and leave-in conditioner to soften the hair before combing, then start combing from the tips and work your way down.

7. Heat Damage

According to Healthline, you need high heat to get the best results from your hairdryer, flat iron and curling iron. However, when you use these tools incorrectly or too much, you risk damaging the cuticle from extreme temperatures.

8. Your diet

The reason you can sometimes tell an Aje butter from an Aje Kpako is how their skin looks. You can tell that one has had a good life, eating well, while the other hasn’t. The same thing goes for the hair. You can buy lovely hair products but if you do not have the right nutrients and eat healthy meals, your hair might still fall out. Aside from protein and the others which are quite important to your diet add zinc, iron, and folic acid into your daily meal.

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