
Adulthood: A Young Hustler’s Version

Once you start your life in the University or graduate from the higher institution, you are considered an adult. While that sounds fun and actually worth anticipating, it is not as easy as it sounds. Adulthood means having your own apartment, running a business, buying a car, making life-changing decisions and generally living a good life.

But the thing about all these benefits is that you have to work for them. So, adulthood is not rosy, but we can’t escape it. The one thing we can do is be prepared to take up the responsibilities that will certainly come.

Do you remember the old Christmas song that says ‘On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love said to me…? Well, it’s ancient now and we are no longer kids. Adulthood finally caught up and life didn’t turn out to offer 2 turtle doves or 5 golden rings. It gave out some lifelong lessons every young and hustling Nigerian is all too familiar with.

Adulthood gave to me…

12 bills I’m paying


Bills, bills…everywhere you turn. House rent, Utility bills, car maintenance, groceries, clothes, Aso Ebi, subscriptions, the list is endless with adulthood. Now, we learn to save and invest our money.

11 free subscriptions


After paying with your salary, you get free coupons, amazon prime, spa treatment, health plans and a whole lot of other free stuff that isn’t really free.

10 jobs I’m trying


Haha! How many jobs have you tried out this year? Or how many skills have you acquired? We keep trying until we find that place we truly belong in.

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9 days I’m crying


In adulthood, you experience one or two among these that will make you cry; heartbreak, loss of a job or loved one, no money, failed plans, failed course or just tired of being single. And you are done crying, you pick yourself up and go make your life worth living.

8 debtors calling


Oh no, it’s not the kind that collects art. It’s the kind that comes for debt, tax and levies. Humph! This year, while you save, make provisions for debt and unforeseen circumstances.

7 shows I’m watching


Oh, yeah. Netflix and chill. As long as it’s not in excess or your studies or business will suffer.

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6 friends, I’m ghosting


Whether they borrow and never refund, are too loud, asking you out even though he knows you’re not his spec or they nurture a lifestyle better than you, whatever the reasons, there are just some friends you don’t want to converse with.

5 zoom meetings


So many meetings nowadays, relevant or irrelevant. All thanks to the worldwide pandemic and the zoom app.

4 deliveries


All thanks to online shopping, we buy more than we ought to. If you like it, put it on your cart. You’re an adult.

3 hours of sleep


Work, work some more, and a little bit more. Oh, is it morning already?

2 aching knees


Let’s not forget the backs, after being hunched with a laptop or a textbook all day.

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And 1 auntie asking why I’m not married


Hehehe, if you are single and you haven’t experienced this yet, wait, your time will surely come.

There you have it. The short version of adult life. Any other version is a counterfeit. 😄

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