Turning into Your Parents

Are You Slowly Turning Into Your Parents? These Signs Will Tell

You probably don’t want to hear it, but we’ll say it anyway- you’re slowly turning into your parents, in one way or another. You probably frowned at some of the things they did when you were younger, but you’ve found yourself doing them nowadays.

If you don’t agree, we’ll let you be the judge by looking at some of the signs we’ve outlined below:

You know how to ‘price’ things

When you were younger, you got upset each time you went shopping with your parents, because of how they would ‘price’ things like clothes, shoes, bags and food items for minutes. You wondered why they couldn’t just buy those items at the stated price instead of haggling.

Well, now that you’re older, you’ve inherited the trait and you can spend 20-30 minutes bargaining because you know how important it is to get a good deal.

You always go to bed before 10:00 pm

Young African American man lying asleep in bed in the morning, alarm clock in the foreground.

Remember when you could stay up till 1:00 am to watch movies, play video games and talk to bae? Now, it’s like your body automatically shuts down before 10:00, even when you plan to stay up or go out for a party.

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You don’t joke with your savings

Now that you are making your own money, you’ve become more financially disciplined. You track your savings every day and you are very meticulous about your spending habits.

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You talk about politics and the state of the nation every day


Remember when you were younger and you thought the news was boring? You often wondered why your parents could talk about things like politics for hours because you were unaware of the major happenings in the country.

Now, you tweet about politics a lot, and you can go on and on about all the things wrong with the current state of politics in the country.

You find yourself nagging a lot


You’re constantly telling your younger siblings: ‘Don’t sleep on the chair’, ‘Have you cleaned your room?’, ‘What are you spending all your money on?’ ‘Shouldn’t you be reading?’.

They’re probably tired of you ordering them around, telling them to do chores, complaining about what they wear and pointing out all their bad habits, but you can’t help it— this is who you have become. You spend a lot of time giving them advice and saying the same things over and over because you’re older and you’ve had your fair share of life experiences.

You’re conscious about what you eat


You look at the nutritional benefits of the food you eat, and you know what foods contain high calories and those that do not. You even drink green tea now. Who would have thought? Look at you now!

You’re always working


You get home at 7:00 pm and open up your laptop to work at 8:30 pm. You also vent about work and office politics to your family members almost every day. Now, you understand why your parents would come home angry at late hours, back when you were younger.

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