Black Friday

Are You Excited For Black Friday 2020? Here Are Some Tips!

It’s Black Friday season and we know you’re excited! If you aren’t conversant with Black Friday, what planet have you been living on? Anyway, here’s what it is: a day when various stores and brands offer various sale offers. On this day, you can get clothes and gadgets at relatively low prices.

You deserve some juicy discounts this year, with everything you’ve been through. However, to avoid overspending or missing out on good deals, here are some tips:

Create a wishlist

High key closeup of a blank notebook with 'wishlist' written on it.

It’s very easy to get distracted and end up making impulse buying during the shopping season. To prevent this from happening, make a wish list that will guide you. Some websites let you create a wishlist and this helps you have your wants in one place.

Research the products you’re interested in ahead


You can draw up a list of the products you’re interested in and read up on them. Read reviews, scan through product descriptions and ask around. There’s no point rushing to buy a product that isn’t worth it. Also, research the price history of the product(s) in advance, so that you can determine whether the deal is good or not when the time comes

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Create a budget

Any major purchase requires a budget. While you might not be able to tell them the exact amount each product you desire will cost, you can do a rough estimate and document it. Also, ensure you stick to your budget.

Create your online accounts ahead of time

You don’t want to have to scurry around trying to open an account on Black Friday, only to discover that the items have been sold out. Create an account with the online stores you can get good deals on time.

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Pay attention to the brand

You might be tempted to buy a product from an unpopular brand because of its incredibly low price, but that could end up in disappointment. It’s always advisable to buy from recognized and trusted brands.

Connect with your favourite brands


Follow them on social media and sign up for their newsletters in advance. This is a great way to get early deals and information about discounts ahead of time. Some brands might announce special deals during a particular time of the day or a fun way to reward customers, like a treasure hunt. To get all the exciting details, connect, connect, connect.

Make Smooth Transactions With Your FCMB Debit Card

With your FCMB debit card, you can make online purchases and transactions smoothly without hassle.

Do you have any other helpful information about shopping on Black Friday? Share with us!

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