World Music Day

What World Music Day Is Like, All Over The World

Did you know that world music day originated from France by the Minister of Culture, Jack Lang? This was in the city of love, Paris, in 1982.

Today, even though we most certainly hear music every day, June 21st is the set date to celebrate world music day, with 120 countries upholding this tradition.

The event consists of both professional and amateur musicians coming out to the streets and performing free concerts for the people of their town, with a slogan called “Faites de la musique” which means ‘Make music’.

Will you like to know how a few countries celebrate theirs? Come, let’s have a peek!


It encourages absolutely everyone to do some music; anyone can sing or play an instrument, alone or in a band, in public spaces. Hence the wide range of styles and talents during the Fête de la musique French festivals.


Oh, how Indians love to sing and dance, with that distinct vocal unique to only them. The instruments they use, once they have filled the streets and stadiums for the celebration of world music day, are violin, mridangam, tambura, including the Bharat Ratna, an instrument first gotten by Ms Subbulakshmi the Carnatic legend. Each region of India entertaining its folks with a different kind of music.


Even though we are now in a digital world, we do not have to forget our roots and what music used to be like, way back.


Scotland loves their massed pipes, drums and parades. And do not forget the quilts the men wear with their shirt.

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The United States

Find your roots. 82 cities in the US participate in this music festival. Whether you are an original America from the onset or your family migrated, everyone can be a part of it.


The bamboo flute, also known as “dizi” in Mandarin, is one of China’s oldest and most iconic instruments. It is traditionally made of bamboo and produces a distinct and resonant sound. It is one of the many instruments used in celebrating music day.


Greece isn’t left out of the fun. Everywhere you turn, lovers of music fill the streets and auditoriums for an awesome time.


Let us not forget our own. From our Owambes to our carnivals, Nigeria is a sure lover of music both modern and traditional. Music day for us is a combination of all. The fuji, afro, hip-hop and the like are all turning points for the crowd.

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