
7 Ways To Remain Safe & Healthy While You Go About Your Business

Looking back on how the streets and major routes of Lagos City were jam-packed with people milling about, going to work, to the bank and travelling from the state, after the slight lifting of the lockdown, it is easy to have forgotten all about safe distancing.

While it looks as though life is back to normal, one has to be very careful as the virus is still out there and spreading. Lagos is a big place filled with lots of people, so, practising safe distancing in a crowded bus stop, on your way to work might seem impossible.

That is why we have put together a few precautions to ensure the safety of our health;

1. Stop adjusting your face mask


Once you have your mask on and are already outside, intentionally or unintentionally touching platforms and stuff, you should resist the urge to adjust your face mask. This is so, because, if the hand you’ve used in touching other surfaces gets contaminated and you use the same hand to adjust your face mask, chances are you can get the virus into your nose or mouth.

2. Mind your business in a Danfo bus


Maintaining two-meter distance in a Danfo bus is actually quite laughable. Which is why you must take precautions to keep to yourself while you are in it. Avoid touching the door or chairs, if you do, use your hand sanitizer afterwards. Don’t let anyone who isn’t wearing a face mask start a heated conversation with you, as chances are that he/she will be releasing spittle from their mouth.

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3. Hands off your face


Resist the urge to scratch your face. You may have little control of the surfaces your hand will likely touch. So, try as much as possible to ignore the itch at the top of your nose. Don’t worry, in a few seconds, you’d have forgotten it was even there.

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4. Resist the urge to hug your colleague


You haven’t seen them since the lockdown and now that you can, everyone is getting excited and forgetting why they had been on lockdown in the first place. Well, don’t forget. Maintain the 2 metres distance and if you must shake, you better be armed with your hand sanitizer or shake with your legs.

5. Have your hand sanitizer at bay


Don’t forget it at home. Prioritise it. If you touch a surface. Sanitize your hand. If you open a door, sanitize your hand. Your hand sanitizer which is alcoholic based should be your close pal in these times.

6. Wash hands once you arrive at your destination


Maybe the hand sanitizer missed a spot or didn’t do the job properly, washing your hands is the safest bet. Once you arrive at your destination, wash your hands with soap and water.

7. Take your clothes and mask off one you get home and wash them


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When you return home from work or necessary outing. Take off your clothes and face mask, you either dump them far from other stuff or you soak and wash them immediately.
Also note, if you do not have any important or urgent place to be, your safety net is remaining indoors.


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