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Nine Habits To Ditch This Year

It’s a new year, a time to be a better you. What habits are you improving on and which are you ditching? Well, if you do any of the below, it’s advisable you zero them this year. Otherwise, you will lose out on plenty.

Impulse Buying


Impulse buying is one of the top reasons why the average person finds it hard to be financially responsible and secure. Buying random items without planning in advance, based on emotions and impulse could be doing more damage to your account thank you think. Plan your expenses ahead and make sure you stay disciplined so you can be more financially disciplined in 2020.

Fighting on Social Media


Do you know what they say about clout? It’s a drug. A lot of people love the thrill of being savage to earn likes and retweets (that add nothing to their bank account) just so they gain some clout and rack up followers on social media. Here’s the deal: jumping on the bandwagon to fight people online is quite awful. Most people become keyboard warriors and engage in trolling and cyberbullying so they gain some form of popularity at the expense of others. Let’s leave it in 2019, shall we?

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Unhealthy Screen Time


EVERYONE seems to be guilty of this bad habit. Pretty much everything has been digitalized these days (which is a good thing). However, it’s so easy to get caught up in consumerism that you spend so many productive hours on unnecessary stuff online. There’s nothing wrong with watching movies, keeping up with the latest trends and catching up with friends online but it’s important to do other things too. Take a walk, meet up with people face-to-face, whatever. Unhealthy screen time could affect your physical and mental health and also make you slightly detached from reality.

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Faux Motivation


Enough of the ‘aspire to inspire so you can respire before you expire’ type of motivation. It’s so easy to give bad and downright unrealistic advice once you throw in a lot of ‘big grammar’ into it. 2020 is the year of good, practical advice that actually helps people walk the talk and improve lives.

Talking Loudly in The Cinema


Listen, people pay good money to see highly anticipated movies at the cinema and indulge in some escapism from the stress and frustrations of their daily lives. The last thing they need is having to deal with noisy chatterboxes, talking on the phone or discussing random topics while the movie plays. Avoid such behaviours, dears.



Giving awful unsolicited opinions of other people’s bodies is a habit that should be left in 2019. It’s unfair to insult and make hurtful, disrespectful jokes about people’s bodies simply because they look different and do not appeal to you. It’s distasteful and wrong.



A lot of people have formed the habit of pitting people against each other or shading someone while praising another. People should be allowed to coexist and thrive in similar spaces without being compared to one another.

Cutting Lanes


If you’re going to join someone else’s lane while driving, you should give them a signal first. Don’t be rude.



If you want to move ahead in 2020, you need to leave procrastination behind in 2020. Phrases like ‘tomorrow’, ‘next tomorrow’ and ‘next week’ could easily become ‘never’ if you don’t act on time. Apply for that job. Apply for that scholarship. Send that email. Start writing that book. Do it little by little and be determined.

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What other bad habits do you think people need to leave behind in 2019?

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