Holding that pee for so long? Stop it!

Did you know that holding your pee for so long can cause some serious health issues?

Here are some harms you cause yourself by doing this:

1. You can attain Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Holding your urine in the bladder for so long can increase bacteria and result in Urinary Tract Infection. It can even worsen for those who do not drink enough water because their bladder won’t remind them of the need to urinate often enough.
Symptoms of UTI are burning or stinging feeling sensation, always wanting to urinate, strong or foul urine odour, dark or bloody urine, etc. Medical News Today.

2. It could make your pelvic floor weak.

Source: www.kegel8.co.uk

Lauren Streicher, M.D., an OB/GYN and associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Northwestern University, in her interview with Redbook, said: “If you’re continually holding urine, you can end up with some real dysfunction of your pelvic floor muscles.”
It means that you can lose control of your bladder.

3. Your bladder might get stretched.

While holding your pee for so long will not burst your bladder, it can cause the bladder to stretch. When the bladder gets overextended, it tends to miss signals like when the bladder is due to be emptied.

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4. Kidney stones may form.

People with a history of kidney stones are more likely to have it form again if they continue to hold pee longer than necessary. Not just them, if you have a high content of minerals in your urine and you hold it too long, you’re prone to forming a kidney stone.

5. It can cause pain.

When you finally relief yourself after you’ve held on for so long, the muscles may also stay partially clenched, resulting in pelvic cramps.

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6. You might pee on yourself.

Are you an expert in crossing your legs tightly? One thing you should know though is that there’s an extent when your bladder gets filled enough to the point of leaking. That’s why you find yourself gradually leaking before getting to the toilet. It is because the muscles that contract to keep your bladder sealed can only withstand the pressure for so long.


Improve the state of your health by going to the urinary when you’re pressed and don’t wait until you’re leaking.

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