Things to expect on Graduation Day

Whether you’re graduating now or later, congratulations! As the big day draws nearer, there are things you should expect to see.

Want to know what these things are? Read on!

a. Tears

Believe it or not, there will be tears. Happy and joyful ones, though. You might be forming hard guy/ hard babe, thinking you’re not going to cry but, by the time you remember your first day in school, settling in and getting used to university life, sharing special moments and creating memories, you will most likely cry.


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b. Food, food and more food.

Food is a major part of any occasion in Nigeria and graduation ceremonies are not left out. Most families rent out canopies and serve all kinds of delicacies to their guests. Get your stomachs ready!

Souce: Google

c. Parents fan club

You know Nigerians never miss out on an opportunity to dress up in aso-ebi, bring all their friends, colleagues and family members to big occasions. Don’t be surprised if you see extended family members you haven’t seen in ages on that day coming to eat and celebrate. Just nod and smile, y’all. Nod and smile.

Source: Google

d. Pictures!

Did an event really happen if there are no pictures to prove it? Nope! ? Prepare for all the pictures on that day- selfies, group photographs, family photographs, professional portraits, everything!

PS: Your phone battery must be at 100% at the beginning of the event!

Source: Google

e. Fashion.

We’re guessing you’ve already gotten your outfits ready for this occasion! Graduation day is a pretty big deal and people come to SLAY. From the well-tailored suits to the designer dresses, the latest graduates are sure to pull up in their best outfits, ready to be the cynosure of all eyes.

Source: Yen

f. The long, boring speeches.

Graduation ceremonies are incomplete without those speeches “TBH”. If you think you heard enough during your 4-5 years, trust us, you haven’t. These speeches often seem to take forever- especially when you just want to throw your graduation caps in the air, take pictures and eat. You’ll catch some of your friends and course mates sleeping.

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It’s advisable to listen to the speeches though, they can be truly inspiring.

Source: Elite Daily

Congrats, once again! Have a wonderful time at your ceremony, cherish the memories and make new ones. Cheers!


What are you looking forward to the most on graduation day? Share with us in the comment section!

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