10 things corpers can relate to about NYSC camp

Corper Wee o!


NYSC camp is often considered to be the highlight of the service year. Hope you had many wonderful memories while in camp.

Here are some fond moments and things you must have experienced at your stay in the NYSC orientation camp:


Long queues for right about everything

Who remembers the long queues at almost every section of the camp? A queue to fetch water, long queue to collect food, long queues everywhere! And there wasn’t any hope shunting because if a soldier catches you, OYO.


Adjusting of NYSC uniform

There’s a good chance that you slim-fitted your khaki at some point and even exchanged shoes with another “corper”.


Accommodation is always packed

Who remembers the dorm rooms that were packed with about 20-60 roommates, and the struggle to secure a comfortable bed that wasn’t too flat? Not to mention padlocking of boxes and even buckets to the bed. Hehe.


Near military training

Don’t you miss the army soldiers who flooded the camp ordering “corpers” to frog jump? The rigorous training is one of the most interesting things about camp.


Camp Food

If you didn’t take so much money for buying food at the mammy market, you’d probably remember the meal tickets given in camp and the “delicious” recipes, too.



Paying to charge your phones

Where else could you safely charge your phone and other gadgets before?


All white everything

Wearing white on white every other day was weakening because they get stained pretty easily.

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Meeting a diverse group of people.

People from all corners of (Nigeria) come to camp. And if you mingled well, you probably learned more about other cultures.


The soldiers

The soldiers were usually very friendly with “corpers” and could even give them nicknames. However, you were very careful not to be on any of their bad sides; otherwise, you’d be in soup.



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Shunting = jumping lines

OYO = (you’re) on your own

Khaki = another word for the NYSC uniform

Soup = trouble

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