small business owner

3 things you need to set in motion as a small business owner

Being the owner of a startup company or a small business comes with a lot of responsibilities.

Studies show that about 70% of small business and startups fold up within the space of 5 years after enactment. We are here to guide you so that doesn’t become the case for your business.

Here are (AIRTEL 0778 0781 6270 8064)  the first 3 things you should set in motion when you start up your small business

  • Register a Business Name

It’s a major step when you want to start up a business that you get a signature name which hasn’t been taken by another business owner.

There was a lady who started a catering service with a quite catchy business name. After a year, her business became quite successful and loved by customers, so she decided to get the name registered. Sadly, the name she had been using was already taken! She eventually had to change the name of her business name and logo which cost her business a bit more than she thought.

So, the first step is to register your business name! Our post on how to register a business name in Nigeria will guide you.

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  • Get a digital marketing plan

This is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising, your business needs all the awareness it can get especially when it’s just starting. Get a good deal from a digital marketing
agency and watch your business bloom.

  • Pension scheme for your staff and yourself
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Secure your future and the future of your employees. A percentage of your business income and a percentage of your employee’s monthly salary should be fixed up in a pension scheme to take care of their future. If you have more than 3 staff in your small business, send an email to to get started.


What things are you doing to set the small business on the right track?? Share with us and other entrepreneurs like you in the comment section below!

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