Your final year project presentation: what you need to know

Writing a project is a sine qua non to graduate from any university in the world, and it can be daunting for many students. Are you in your final year and project writing is taking its toll on you? Not to worry, see tips below to get you going.

  1. Writing style – It’s advisable that you stick to the acceptable writing style of your department. However, you can make your presentation more compelling by telling a story. This way, you’re able to better connect with your supervisor, reviewers and general readers.


  1. Fonts – Your department will assign you a project supervisor. Amongst other things, he or she will guide you on the required type font, layouts, and spacing you need to write your project. It is your duty to follow instructions to the letter if you want to pass. 


  1. Spacing – Your line spacing should ordinarily be “1.5” inch line margin of at least “1” inch all around, except told otherwise by your department.

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  1. Dot your I’s and cross your T’s – A good presentation may be marked down due to spelling, typographical or grammatical errors. That’s why you should check with your supervisors for editing before your project is submitted for defense.

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  1. Page numbering and content page – Your project should have a separate page where you have the “Table of Content”. Also, you should ensure that your pages are properly numbered.
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  1. Include references – In referencing resources where you got your project materials from, you can adapt the APA or MLA It depends on the preferred referencing style used by your department.


  1. Appearance – When presenting your project write-up, your appearance matters a whole lot. It can either add or deduct marks from your entire score. You shouldn’t appear scruffy on the day of your



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