Pros and cons of bathing with warm and cold water

Bathing is important, especially in the mornings and at night. Everyone has different temperature preferences, though – some prefer a cold shower and others, hot. Check out the pro and cons of bathing with either.

Warm/Hot water


  • It washes away dirt and oil build up
  • Relieves the muscles from soreness and stiffness
  • Soothes catarrh and nasal congestion
  • Quite calm and relaxing, especially when using the bathtub


  • Strips the skin off its natural oils, which could cause proneness to peeling or reactions
  • Fades dyed hair faster



Cold water 


  • Makes you alert after waking up in the morning
  • Awesome stress reliever
  • Promotes healthy hair and skin
  • Improves blood circulation


  • Not recommended when sick
  • It’s a bad idea to take a cold shower when the weather is cold
  • Not a great experience if you already feel cold before showering 

Tell us your preference, hot or cold? Comment below

Source: Instagram @selfcarefeed

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