Tips And Tricks On Getting Ahead In Your Business

The percentage of entrepreneurs in Nigeria has progressed over the years and has brought about economical increase to the country.
Flexxers can be more independent while also delivering quality goods and services to the  people. However businesses often undergo some speed bumps and here’s a few pointers on getting ahead in your business.

Be Unique
Decide what unique value your business has over other businesses in your field.
There are many problems in Nigeria, you need to figure out one of them, and passionately try solving it very well.

  • Success is deliberate
    You cannot be successful by accident. Hard work and consistency is the key to having a successful business.
  • Start small
    Although money solves problems and gives your business a solid foundation, you don’t necessarily need a ridiculous amount of money to start a business. Remain devoted to your craft and watch as it begins generate income for you.
  • Improve your skills
    If you love cooking for example, sharpen your skills on that. Go for courses and be ahead of your competitors.
    If you have an interest in hairdressing, several new concepts emerge everyday and in order for you to remain at the top you have to practice new skills and be hungry for new techniques to give you an upper hand. You could be creative enough to create your own special technique that your customers love you for.
  • Have an account that will help you grow your profits 

Managing a business is more than selling, it also involves actively making and growing money to be that financially independent Flexxer that you are. A Flexx account is perfect for that, not only is it built for you, you can also get access to funding through our several campaigns and Flexxclusive deals. Open your Flexx account right now in just 4 minutes here!

  • Pamper your customers 
    Gather as much data as possible about your clients and customers. Every customer wants to be treated special. Send gift hampers on their birthdays or special occasions, simple text messages could put you and your business in the front of their minds.
  • Listen to your customers
    Take as much information and advice from your customers because these are the people patronizing your business hence they have a good perception on what you should consider trying and what to cut off in your business.
    Ask them questions on what is trending in your industry e.g fashion styles, latest tech etc. and which ideas are more preferable to them. This shows your customers that you value their opinions and their suggestions are being taken seriously.
  • To start a business you need discipline
    You have to know what you want to do. Most businesses have broad tentacles which touches on a list of other branches of trade. E.g agriculture has many sectors like poultry or fishery, etc. Decide which aspect of your business you need to focus on. Avoid being too involved with a lot of tasks at the same time without assistance. As the old saying goes, Jack of all trades, you know the rest.


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