Stressed out? These simple activities can help.

As young adults who are trying to get a foothold and understand the whole ‘adulthood’ thing, we can sometimes be overwhelmed with responsibilities, work, life, expectations and school. This can lead to stress and in most cases puts a strain on our mental and physical health.

Stress affects our output at work, school and sometimes relationship with people so it is very important that we find a way to manage it effectively. If you are always stressed out at work or school, you might want to try out the following to relieve yourself of some or all of the stress.

  1. Adequate sleep/ proper rest: Experts suggest that young adults get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Ensuring you get proper sleep and rest is key to combating stress as it leaves you feeling refreshed when you wake up and clears some effects of stress such as weakness or headaches.
  2. Take a break or 2: When you’re working or studying for a long stretch of time, it is important to take breaks in between to revive your senses and stop stress from pooling at your stress points. Long breaks are also important for tasking work schedules, take advantage of weekends and public holidays to break off from work and just… rest.
  3. Listen to music: Did you know that listening to music can make you relaxed and put you in a better frame of mind? Yes it can. When next you’re stressed, just play some calm soothing music and simply relax.
  4. Eat well and healthily: What goes into your body can affect the way your body and mind reacts so ensure you eat well and healthy. Eating food rich in vitamins can boost your immune system and relieve stress.
  5. Laugh, have fun, do something fun: Laughter is the best medicine and this is so true. Studies show that laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow in the body and this automatically reduces stress.
  6. Talk about it: A problem shared is a problem half solved, sometimes talking about what is causing you stress to someone can be the mood lifter you need. The person might offer solutions or advice on the best ways to deal with the problem.
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Remember Flexxer, you are human and not perfect, you are allowed to be weak because you are strong.



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