Who remembers Cynthia? She got a full university scholarship!

Hey Flexxer,

Remember when we mentioned Cynthia Ali Chinecherem that just finished her secondary school education and how she aced her WAEC exam by scoring all As in the 9 subjects offered here?

We were amazed by her brilliance and apparently, we weren’t the only ones as some good people have come together to contribute money for her to further her education.


So far, more than half a million has been raised for Cynthia’s education and that’s not even all, the Enugu State Government has offered Cynthia a scholarship up to the first-degree level in any Nigerian university and giver her a certificate of honour in recognition of her outstanding academic performance. How awesome is that?

Governor of Enugu State and Cynthia Via OMGVoice

Cynthia is from Enugu state, lives there and wants to study Medicine and Surgery at The University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

We are so happy for Cynthia and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors!





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