Creative skills for the artsy Flexxer

In a world where young people are encouraged to learn different skills and stand out amongst their peers, it is important to not be left behind and to develop the inborn talents within us. We discussed tech skills that Flexxers can pick up in this post here and now we want to look at creative skills that an art inclined flexxer can develop.

Drawing: To fully understand how good you can get at drawing, check out our post on the amazing Stanley and his super awesome drawings here.

Painting: Art paintings are some of the most expensive things/artifacts in the world, so if you have a flair for creating beautiful images with paints and canvas/software apps. There are lots of online communities and websites that can help a young artist develop his/her talent.

Creative writing: Writing is a creative process and most of the good writers we adore trained themselves to become that good, so whatever it is that you love writing, be it articles, short stories, poetry, drama etc. Don’t stop writing it, share with people who will constructively criticize and make you better. You can become a writer for the Flexxzone, check out how here.

Sculpting/Pottery: Did you love making clay humans/items while young? Most people did but some people never outgrow the joy they felt while doing that. If you’re one of those people, why don’t you give sculpting/pottery a try? There are many materials to use i.e wood, marble, clay, stone etc. 

Photography: Love taking outstanding pictures with your phone? Start developing your skill from there, get a camera and just don’t stop taking pictures. See how self taught Simisola is excelling in photography here.

Remember, the key thing here is persistency and continues learning.

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Got other creative skills we didn’t include, put them in the comments section and we will add them.

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