How to balance school and hustle

Higher education period is one of the busiest times to start a business.

Running a business is hard work, being in school is stressful.  Now imagine how difficult running a business/working while schooling will be; however, some very successful entrepreneurs have been able to make it all work and turn these stumbling blocks to stepping stones. How did they do it? Our guess is they used one or all of the tips below.


Time management: It is important to schedule your tasks accordingly so as not to get overwhelmed, have an exhaustive timetable that allows for emergencies. For example, if most of your classes are in the morning, work on your business in the evening and vice versa. Avoid taking on the two at a time, it might be a time wasting venture and cause confusion; however always let your customer/clients know your work time or periods so as to manage their expectations and avoid them disturbing you while you’re in classes.

Ask for help: No man is an island, we all need each other to succeed. If schoolwork or your personal work is suffering because of the demands of one, you can ask your friends, family members or classmates to help you with some of the tasks. For example, you can ask your friends to help you make some deliveries, pick up items or even some research for school work. You can also ask for help from known campus entrepreneurs and your lecturers.

Create time for Flexxing activities: When creating your schedule, make sure you always create time for fun and relaxing activities. Go out and participate in activities you enjoy like sports, clubs at school, movies, etc. Doing this will refresh you each time and make you more productive when next you have to deal with your school and hustle tasks.  

Take advantage of school facilities/resources: One of the major things that make your school and work life balance smoothly is not having to worry about some major resources and facilities. From clients/customers to solitary places to read and work to electricity to Libraries to free internet spots to access to different types of people to co-work with, get advice from; your school is one giant hub of resources to improve on both your business and academic life. You just need to figure out the best times for you to take advantage of all these opportunities and get the best out of them.


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Got any other tip for keeping your school/hustle balance normal? Share with other Flexxers like you in the comments section.

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